Bighearted Leaders Blog

Personal Development is a Messy Business

personal development Dec 17, 2024
Personal Development is a Messy Business

Ah, personal development.

It’s often spoken about in glowing terms, but anyone who has embarked on this journey knows it can get messy before it gets easier. The path to growth is not always smooth. It is challenging, uncomfortable, and sometimes downright difficult.

Before we reach the ease and growth we are after, there is a lot of inner work to be done.

Why is it so hard?

At the heart of this process is our mindset - the set of beliefs we hold about ourselves and the world. These beliefs are shaped by our past experiences and determine how we think, act, and perceive everything around us. These beliefs did not form overnight, and changing them takes more than a quick fix. It requires practice, time, self-awareness, personal development, and the courage to evolve.

Letting go of limiting beliefs, even when they no longer serve us, feels daunting. These beliefs have been with us for a long time and they feel comfortable - even if they hold us back. Yet, to grow, we have to challenge these embedded behaviours that no longer serve us.

Then, there’s the ego. It’s hard to make peace with it, to stop letting it dictate how we react to challenges or interactions. Befriending the ego, rather than letting it run the show, is a difficult but necessary step in personal development. It allows us to move beyond the need to be right or perfect and into a space where we can genuinely invite flexibility and growth.

Another tough truth to face is that our perspective is not the only perspective. Learning that others hold equally valid views can be humbling. We also come to realise that we co-create many of the situations we find ourselves in, whether they’re moments of joy or times of difficulty.

And then there are the blind spots - the patterns we do not even realise about ourselves and how we interact with the world. These are hard to see, but crucial to understand if we want to develop into more effective and authentic leaders.

Finally, perhaps the hardest realisation of all: no matter how capable, intelligent, or kind we are, we’re also imperfect. We can be frustrating, lost, harsh, or even lazy. Accepting this about ourselves, rather than fighting it, is key to personal growth. This is what it means to be human.

The Power of Inner Work

That’s why personal development, or “inner work,” is essential. It teaches us to challenge our mindset, to question those long-held beliefs, and to embrace who we truly are. By accepting ourselves fully, we create space for growth from a place of compassion and support.

Once we have created that space for ourselves, we can offer it to others. We become better leaders, more understanding colleagues, and more compassionate human beings.

As the quote from Harvey MacKay reminds us: “Nobody said it would be easy, they just promised it would most likely be worth it.”

So, to all the leaders out there navigating the ups and downs of personal development, keep going. The journey may be tough, but it is worth every step.


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