Knowing the path is not same as walking the Path
Dec 17, 2024One of my favourite quotes is: ‘Knowing the path is not the same as walking the path.’ I heard it a while ago. The character of Morpheus says it to Neo in the movie “Matrix”.
Since then, I have reminded myself of it numerous times: when I knew what was good for me but still did as others wanted, when I bravely chose the road less travelled after quitting my job to find my passion, and nowadays, when I listen to my clients.
Quite often, I hear from my clients that they know what to do and even how to do it, but they cannot get themselves to actually do it.
And they ask me:’How?’
I do not give the answers as only they can find those out for themselves. It is a different path for each client. They sense the answer, however it is hidden in a place they discover once their fears, doubts and hesitations are put aside.
Whatever the answers are, the path is to be taken gently, patiently, with care, dedication and discipline. I am there to remind them of that and support them on their journey.
Just as I remind myself frequently.